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All appropriate documents, maps, comments and materials related to the Northern Pass Environmental Impact Statement and NEPA process requirements are available to the public from this website.


Displaying 25 of 25 Items
Date: Title:
News Releases and Notices Aug 22, 2017 Federal Register Notice of Availability of the Final EIS
News Releases and Notices Jan 29, 2016 Notice of Public Hearings Conducted in Conjunction with the State of New Hampshire SEC
News Releases and Notices Dec 4, 2015 Public Notice of Postponement of Public Hearings and Extension of Comment Period
News Releases and Notices Nov 20, 2015 Additional Information Regarding Draft EIS and Supplement to the Draft EIS Public Hearings
News Releases and Notices Nov 20, 2015 Federal Register Notice of Public Hearings
News Releases and Notices Nov 20, 2015 Federal Register Notice of Availability of Supplement to the Draft EIS
News Releases and Notices Nov 9, 2015 Forest Service Legal Notice of Availability - Union Leader
News Releases and Notices Sep 30, 2015 Federal Register Notice of Intent To Prepare a Supplement to the Draft EIS and Announcing the Extension of the Public Comment Period and Postponement of Public Hearings To Receive Comments on the Draft EIS
News Releases and Notices Sep 24, 2015 Additional Information Regarding Supplement to Draft EIS
News Releases and Notices Aug 28, 2015 Additional Information Regarding Draft EIS Public Hearings
News Releases and Notices Aug 28, 2015 Federal Register Notice of Public Hearings for the Draft Northern Pass Transmission Line Project EIS
News Releases and Notices Jul 31, 2015 Federal Register Notice of Availability of the Draft EIS
News Releases and Notices Sep 18, 2013 US DOE Announcement of Change in Public Meeting Location
News Releases and Notices Sep 6, 2013 US DOE Amended Notice of Intent
News Releases and Notices Aug 19, 2013 US DOE Notice of Amended Application for Presidential Permit
News Releases and Notices Jun 15, 2011 Federal Register Announcement of Extension of Scoping Period for Northern Pass
News Releases and Notices Jun 15, 2011 Extension of Scoping Period for Northern Pass Transmission Line Project Environmental Impact Statement
News Releases and Notices Apr 15, 2011 Federal Register announcement of Reopening Scoping Period for Northern Pass
News Releases and Notices Apr 15, 2011 Reopening of Scoping Period for the Northern Pass Transmission Line Project Environmental Impact Statement
News Releases and Notices Mar 2, 2011 DOE News Release Haverhill
News Releases and Notices Feb 23, 2011 DOE News Release Plymouth
News Releases and Notices Feb 11, 2011 DOE Press Release: Notice of Intent Publication in Federal Register
News Releases and Notices Feb 11, 2011 Federal Register page 7828 Vol. 76, No. 29
News Releases and Notices Feb 11, 2011 Notice of Intent Published in Federal Register (FR 2011-03147)
News Releases and Notices Nov 16, 2010 Federal Register for PPA 11 16 10